How to reset WordPress password?

If you forget your WordPress password, there are four independent ways to reset it.

  1. Use the Lost your password link on the login screen
  2. Reset your password through Softaculous (WordPress installed with Softaculous)
  3. Manually reset the password through the database with phpMyAdmin
Lost your password link:
  1. Go to your WordPress login screen at

    (Replace with your WordPress installation location. This may be your domain, domain + sub-folder location, or a temporary URL).

  2. Under the login form, click Lost your password.
  3. Enter the username or email address of the account you're trying to log into.
  4. Click Get New Password to have the reset password email sent to that username's email.
Softaculous Password Reset:
  1. Log into cPanel.

ii. Scroll down to the Software section and click on the Softaculous Apps Installer.

iii. On the main page of Softaculous, click on Installations or, in the upper right-hand corner, click on the Box icon within the navigation bar to show the list of Scripts Installations.

  iv. Under Link, find the domain for which you need to set the password.

v. On the right-hand side of the row, click the Pencil icon to load the Installation Details.

vi. Go to the Admin Account section on the Installation Details and enter the Admin Username for which you want to change the password, enter the new Admin Password.

  vii. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on Save Installation Details

viii. Open browser windows and use this link to log in to your WP-admin.


Manual Password Reset:
  1. Log into cPanel.
  2. Under Databases, click phpMyAdmin.

  3. Click on the WordPress database from the left panel list.
  4. Click wp_users from the left panel list.

  5. Under user_login, you will see the list of registered users. For the user whose password you want to reset, click edit.

  6. In user_pass row, clear the value on the far right and replace it with what you would like the password to be.
  7. From the Function drop-down menu, select MD5.

  8. At the bottom of the page, click GO.
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