How to create sub-domain using Plesk - Plesk 9

This article applies to:


  • Plesk 9


Here you will learn how to create subdomain in plesk 9.5

Sub domains are domains which enable you to host the additional websites as a part of your meain website on the same server and you are not required to register any additional domain names for the same.


  1. Login to your Plesk control panel and click on Domain Icon
  2. Click on the domain for which you want to create Sub domain
  3. Click on Sub domains Icon, Click Create Sub domain
  4. Enter the prefix of the sub domain you want to create.
  5. Scroll Down, here You can create Separate FTP user account for this sub domain
  6. Enter FTP Login, Enter FTP Password for the domain
  7. Select the services to be supported for the domain -> Select All-> When Ready Click Finish

New sub domain has been successfully created.

To remove a sub domain if required


  1. Under Sub domain Section-> Select Sub Domain -> Click Remove Link->Select The Check Box for Confirm Removal -> Click ok
  2. Selected Domain has been successfully removed from the sub domain List.




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