FTP Basics


FTP means File Transfer Protocol and is one of the possible ways to upload files to your web hosting account.



HOSTBREAK recommends FileZilla for FTP client. It is freely available and Open Source.

You can learn more about it, as well as download it, from:


FTP is not widely used for file download due to several reasons:
  • It requires specific software or using specific protocol (ftp) in the web browser URL.
  • You need to use FTP login details or alternatively Anonymous FTP.
  • If using Anonymous FTP everyone can gain access to your FTP directory.
  • As a whole by default it is much easier to download files using a hyper link through standard HTTP protocol.

FTP download has several advantages though:

  • You can define a directory outside the webroot for FTP.
  • You can create FTP logins for a limited user base and provide the details to them only. Thus restricting access to the desired users only.
  • It consumes much less server resources than a standard HTTP download.
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