You can manualy reset your wrodpress password by editing your database using PhpMyAdmin or editing your funtions.php file.
In some cases, the best way to get back to your WordPress admin dashboard is to manually edit your database and change your password.
This process is quite easy if you have access to PhpMyAdmin in your webhost. We recommend that you back up your website before performing the steps below:
To start, login to your site admin panel (e.g. cPanel). Ask your webhost for the login details and link if you do not have them.
In cPanel, scroll down to the databases section and click on PhpMyAdmin.
Click on Databases to view all databases in your account.
Click on your WordPress database.
Click on the “users” table. This is usually named “wp_users”, unless you specified a different prefix when installing WordPress. In that case, it will be “yourprefix_users”.
Click the edit button next to the admin user.
Enter your new password in the “users_pass” input box, select md5 from the function dropdown list, and click Go.
Go on and login to your WordPress admin dashboard with the new password you entered.