How to install WordPress using Softaculous?

To install WordPress using Softaculous in Cpanel, follow these steps:

1.  Login to Cpanel                                                                 



2. In the SOFTACULOUS APPS INSTALLER section of the cPanel home screen, click any of the options under Categories or Scripts. The Softaculous installer page will appear.




3.  In the Search bar at the Top left type  WordPress and then press ENTER.




4. Click Install. The installation page appears.




5.  From the Choose Protocol drop-down, select the protocol. 



6.  In the Choose Domain drop-down, select the domain on which you want to install WordPress, or accept the default value.




7.  If you have an SSL certificate installed on your site, select https:// or https://wwwIf you do not have an SSL certificate installed on your site, select http:// or http://www.




8.  In the Directory text box, type the directory where you want to install WordPress or if you want to install it at root leave the text box empty.




9.  In the Site Name text box, type the site name. By default, the site name appears in the title bar of users' web browsers when they visit your site.




10.  In the Site Description text box, type the site description. By default, the site description also appears in the title bar of users' web browsers when they visit your site.




11.  To enable the WordPress Multisite feature (also known as WordPress Multiuser or WPMU), select the checkbox.




12.  In the Admin Username text box, type the administrator username.




13.  In the Admin Password text box, type the administrator password.



14.  In the Admin Email text box, type the site administrator e-mail address.




15.  In the Select Language list box, select the default language for the application.




16.  To limit the number of login attempts, select the Limit Login Attempts check box.


17.  Click the Advanced Options icon icon to expand Advanced Options.  


18.  In the Database Name text box, type the name of the database to create for the application, or accept the default value.



19.  In the Table Prefix text box, type the database table prefix, or accept the default value.



20.  If you do not want to receive e-mail notifications when application updates are available, select the Disable Update Notifications checkbox.




21.  To automatically update the application when updates are available, select the Auto Upgrade checkbox.




22.  To automatically update plugins when updates are available, select the Auto Upgrade WordPress Plugins check box.




23.  To automatically update themes when updates are available, select the Auto Upgrade WordPress Themes check box.




24.  Select the Backup location from the Dropdown.  



25. There is an automated backup option, if you want Automated Backup then select Don't backup from drop down.


26.  Select the theme if you want to change the theme.


27.  To receive site configuration information after the installation is complete, type an e-mail address in the Email installation details to the text box.




28.  Review the installation options and settings, and then click Install. When the installation is complete, Softaculous provides information about the application's configuration.



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