How to set up Python App in cPanel?

Setting up Python App in cPanel:

Python is an ideal language for web app development because it’s quick to write. It has built-in support for things like web server and database integration. 

The Setup Python App feature allows you to deploy Python applications on your cPanel while running the Apache web server.

Following are the steps on how we can install and manage NodeJS application:

Step 1:

Log in to cPanel and Click the "Setup Python App" icon.

Step 2:

Press the "Create Application" button.

Step 3:

After clicking Create Application you will be presented with the app creation menu:

  1. Choose the python version you wish to use.
  2. Enter the directory that the python application should be installed to. 
  3. Enter the address the application should be located on. If it should accessible directly on your domain, leave the field blank.
  4. Optionally, you can also set up Application startup file, Application Entry point and Passenger log file.
  5. When all fields are filled in as desired, press the "Create" button to set up the application.

As soon as the environment is set, you can upload your application files to the application root directory.

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