How to access cPanel account using SSH

Before the SSH access, you need to generate a new pair of Public Private SSH keys

Configuring SSH Keys In cPanel

To generate a new SSH key pair for your account, follow these steps:

  • Log in to cPanel.

cPanel - Security - SSH Access icon

  • In the SECURITY section of the cPanel home screen, click SSH Access:  
  • On the SSH Access page, under Manage SSH Keys, click Manage SSH Keys.
  • Click Generate a New Key.
  • Confirm the Key Name is set to id_rsa.
  • In the Key Password and Reenter Password text boxes, type a password for the key.                                                                                   
  • Confirm the Key Type is set to RSA.
  • Confirm the Key Size is set to 2048. 
  • Click Generate Key.

  • Click Go Back.
  • Under Public Keys, locate the name of the key you just created. Under Actions, click Manage.
  • Click Authorize, and then click Go Back.

Download Private Key in PPK Format

  • On the SSH Access page, under Private Keys, locate the name of the key you created, and then click View/Download.
  • Under Convert the “id_rsa” key to PPK format
  • Enter the password that you set while creating the key.
  • Click Convert. cPanel converts the key.

  • Click Download Key, and then save the id_rsa.ppk file on your local computer. Make sure you note where the file is saved on your computer.

At this point, you have created the SSH key pair and deployed the private key to your local computer. You are now ready to configure the PuTTY client to connect to your SSH account using the private key.


Configure Putty

  • Start PuTTY.
  • In the Category pane, expand SSH, and then click Auth
  • Under Authentication Parameters, click Browse.
  • Locate the id_rsa.ppk file that you created in the previous procedure.
  • In the Category pane, click Session.
  • In the Host Name (or IP address) text box, type Replace username with your HostBreak Hosting username, and replace with your site's domain name.
  • In the Port text box, type 22022.
  • Confirm that the Connection type radio button is set to SSH.
  • Click Open.


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