The first step is to register a domain name. You need to choose a domain name and check if it is public available for registration, then proceed with its registration. A domain is available to the public registration for a period not to exceed a maximum term of 10 years.
Registered Domain (Active)
A domain name is registered and in active state. After 60 days, the domain can be transferred to another registrar, if desired. Most registrars start sending renewal notices one month before expiration.
Expired – Registrar Hold
Within a 24 hour period of a domain name going past its expiration date, the domain name will be deactivated.
In case the renewal of the domain name is not processed on time the domain expired. Most registrars will HOLD the domain, which means your website and email will no longer work. You can still renew your domain name for the regular price; you can no longer transfer the domain unless you renew first. In short expired domain names cannot be managed.
Redemption Period
After 40 days, if the renewal of the domain name is not submitted the domain name will enter a 30 day Redemption period. Most registrars delete the domain.Whois information(name,address,telephone numbers, etc) will be deleted.The domain name will still be inactive. In order to get the domain back after this point you have to restore it which usually costs a lot .
Pending Delete
After 30 more days, the domain can no longer be restored.The only way to get the domain back is to wait until it is dropped from the registry. At that time the domain name is public available for registration and can be registered by anyone else.
If you want to keep your domain name, the best policy is to renew early. You do not lose any time by renewing early. Always keep an eye on your domain names and never let them expire.