This article applies to:
- Plesk 9
Here you will learn how to create subdomain in plesk 9.5
Sub domains are domains which enable you to host the additional websites as a part of your meain website on the same server and you are not required to register any additional domain names for the same.
- Login to your Plesk control panel and click on Domain Icon
- Click on the domain for which you want to create Sub domain
- Click on Sub domains Icon, Click Create Sub domain
- Enter the prefix of the sub domain you want to create.
- Scroll Down, here You can create Separate FTP user account for this sub domain
- Enter FTP Login, Enter FTP Password for the domain
- Select the services to be supported for the domain -> Select All-> When Ready Click Finish
New sub domain has been successfully created.
To remove a sub domain if required
- Under Sub domain Section-> Select Sub Domain -> Click Remove Link->Select The Check Box for Confirm Removal -> Click ok
- Selected Domain has been successfully removed from the sub domain List.