How to password protect a folder - Plesk 9

To password protect a directory in your site and to specify authorized users:

  1. On your Home page, click the domain name you need.
  2. Click Web Directories in the Hosting group.
  3. On the General tab, click the required name from the Web directories list and select the Protection tab. Alternatively, you can click the icon corresponding to the directory you want to protect.
  4. Click Protect to set up a protection.
  5. To add an authorized users, click Add New User in the Tools group.
  6. Specify the login name and password that will be used for accessing the protected area. The password should be from 5 to 14 symbols in length. Click OK.
  7. Click Preferences to type a a resource description or a welcoming message that your users will see when they visit your protected area in the Realm access text input field. Click OK.
  8. To add more authorized users for this protected resource, repeat the steps 6 and 7.

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