When a user attempts to connect to a Web site and an HTTP error occurs, a generic message is sent back to the client browser with a brief description of what happened during the attempt to establish a connection. For example, if a user attempts to connect to a page that no longer exists on the Web site, an HTTP error will be returned in the form of an HTML page that contains the statement The requested URL was not found on this server.
You can use the Custom Error Pages view to customize HTTP errors that are sent to clients when Web server errors occur. Following is a list of HTTP errors you can customize.
· 401 - Authorization Failed: The request requires user authentication, typically a Username/Password credential pair. If the request already included Authorization credentials, then the 401 response indicates that authorization has been refused for those credentials.
· 403 - Permission Denied/Forbidden: You tried accessing a URL for which you don't have permission.
· 404 - File / Resource Not Found: Your browser cannot locate the document corresponding to the URL you entered. An improperly typed URL is usually the cause.
· 406 - Resource Not Acceptable: It’s possible you have requested a page that contains files which your browser has indicated to the server that it cannot accept, e.g. a multimedia file that your browser cannot process. Your browser sends information about what files it can accept to the server (in the HTTP header) as part of a request. You might check the preferences settings of your browser to see if there are file types it is not accepting.
· 500 - Internal Error: The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
To customize the error messages, follow the procedure below:
1. Login to your Control Panel.
2. Proceed to the Web Hosting Management interface.
3. In the Menu,
o point to Manage Website and then click Custom Error Pages,if you have a Windows web hosting package
o point to Manage Website -> Web Server Manager and then click Custom Error Pages, if you have a Linux web hosting package.
4. For the HTTP error that you wish to customize, you can:
o select the radio button adjacent to Local URL, and enter the path to the file that you have uploaded, or
o select the radio button adjacent to Text/HTML Message, and fill in a suitable text/html message.
5. If for some reason you wish to disable custom error message for a particular error, select the radio button adjacent to Set To Default for that error.
6. Click Submit to save the settings.
"In order to complete the action in case of LINUX hosting , the web server needs to be restarted. Random restarts affect other services running on the server. In order to avoid this, the server has been scheduled to restart at intervals of 20 minutes. Hence, the changes might take upto 20 minutes to be effective."